Dora comes on TV twice a day as far as I know, but lucky me I have Dora DVD's! I can watch Dora anytime! Mommy also found out that she can order Dora video's all day long on Cox on Demand - which is like the pay-per-view channel, except its Free!!! We like Free. But not only can I get Dora, I can get anything I want. Backyardigans, Diego, Wonder Pets..... ANYTHING!! It really comes in handy when there is absolutely nothing on TV to appease me, like this morning - when I woke up I was a little grouchy and Mommy usually puts on Super Why!... I love that show because it teaches me how to read and say words. But for some reason, the screen was black. There was nothing else worth watching and I wasn't having it. Dora to the rescue!! I was instantly happy. I was so happy that I decided to say MAP for Mommy and Daddy. I did!!! MAP MAP MAP!! 

On the way downstairs to the car, I spit out Backpack. Yep, I sure did. Mommy didn't believe Daddy when he told her what I had just said. She scoffed at him. Pffft, scoffing at my Daddy like that. I said Backpack again.. and Daddy said "Heh! Tell me he didn't just say Backpack".. Mommy was so surprised. Backpack, by the way, is another one of my favorite characters on Dora. Mommy's is Swiper the Fox. She thinks he's sneaky and hilarious.
The whole drive to Grandma's house, I said Map Map Map and Mommy said it with me. I shook my magic Elmo wand which plays music and we had a blast!

Wow, your vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds. "Backpack" is a HUGE word. Maybe my parents will start letting me watch more TV when they find out how educational it's been for you. Unfortunately, we don't those free on-demand shows. DirecTV sucks.
Khai I am so impressed by your mad vocabulary skills. hope to hear you utter something soon. i've never watched dora. i'm not a fan of childrens shows, no offense. do you think your future wife, er, i mean my neice, would like dora? she's a little younger than you. i dont think she has watched any tv yet, but i'm sure she will be a fan soon.
Dora is the bomb. If your niece is anywhere near as cool as I am, she will enjoy Dora. Am I getting married? This is news to me. Did my Mommy promise me off to a Hawaiian Princess without my consent? Whats in it for me??
Hopefully she will be as cool as you. Altho her Dad can be a dork at times. I needed a superfly asean for her and you fit the bill. she is one cute asean gangsta hawaiian princess. Like her auntie, hee hee :)
Oh boy...can I just throw up now??
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